Thought of the Day – 4/4/2022

In all honesty, the idea of a social construct only model for our society isn’t a new idea. I was delving into the “two spirit” terminology, and came across the term Muxes. The idea is that in part of the Zapotec culture, there is a third gender know as a Muxe, or Muxes. These are defined as males who identify as female and take on roles in society that are considered “feminine.” Even the term Muxe is broken into two parts, gunaa (males born that identify as women and fill feminine roles in society, who are attracted to other men) and Nguii (males who are attracted to other men). It is in that exploration of culture that I find myself both intrigued and saddened by my reading when it comes to the trans rights movement here in the states. Or perhaps we could look into the Filipino culture’s Bakla for another example. Males who cross-dress with feminine mannerism and had spiritual or religious cultural standings prior to exposure to contact with the West. Or perchance, we look to the two-spirit peoples here in America (the continent not the country).

There is a depth to these types of identities, and a long history of use and cultural acceptance (mostly, because no idea is ever 100% accepted). These historical examples run very much against some of the fundamental values cultivated over the course of history in the West. So, we are in a period of introduction and acclimation. We are probably, assuming the vast scope of history, going to adopt this to some extent. We will likely find a level of comfort with the concept of males who adopt a feminine identity, and who fulfill feminine roles in society.

But this is where I will pivot, and offer up some commentary about the trans movement in our society, and the headwinds they are generating through their tactics and visibility as they push for “equity” in our society. I will lay out my personal thoughts first, and branch out accordingly.

I do not want children to have their bodies mutilated to affirm to a social construct, particularly when the rate of suicide among transgendered individuals hovers about 40%. I want children to grow up with other, more important lessons to be instilled in them (that they are loved, that they are wanted, that they have a family who cares about them, how to be a member of a community, how to be a member of a team, how to overcome adversity, how to become independent, etc.) These are important social and cultural things that need to be expressed and instilled in our generation. I think that children should be protected as best as we can, from the vicious reality of the world. Children have imagination, can see the joy in almost any situation, and have a grasp on the natural world in a way that many adults can’t begin to comprehend. It’s through the rigors of education that this sense of wonder and joy are mechanically and robotically scrubbed from their personalities, and much to the detriment of our progress. And children don’t understand the long-term implications of their actions and decisions. This is where adults (preferably the parents) should come in and help them understand.

But the trans rights folks are missing very important aspects of their struggle.

One, some of the worst actors are trying to force parents out, and in their place put the state and state actors in charge of the rearing of children. Whether this means that the trans rights movement has been co-opted by authoritarian forces, or the movement at large has been corrupted by those who would use it as a mechanism of achieving power remains to be seen. But, parents should be an integral part of the process, not a bystander, or worse yet, an outsider.

Two, they bristle at the notion that others with traditional or religious values should teach them anything, and decry the thought of morality and ethics based upon any sort of religious framework.

Three, the engage in this behavior in secret, obfuscating attempts and efforts by parents to understand what their children are being taught in school. There are examples of stories where the school decided that the child should transition, and that they encouraged the child not to tell their parents. These are adults engaging in secretive behaviors that are intended to usurp or undermine the role of the parent or guardian in the rearing of a child. This is not an acceptable behavior.

I am not opposed to gender identity being taught, or orientation being explored, but rather I do not believe it is the place of state or cultural actors outside the home to be the ones to do it. I think that the biological aspects of sex can be taught in school, but it should be left up to the family. Children should come to this subject on their own. And children should not be allowed to have body altering surgery until they reach the age of consent at minimum. The rational part of the brain doesn’t stop developing until 25. So why should we expect a child of 4 years old to understand what it means to be trans? Why should the school be encouraging a child to take puberty blocking hormones when they very likely don’t understand what that means and the long-term impacts of such actions?

Those opposed to these actions have very legitimate questions that the trans rights movement folks have yet to address or even consider legitimate. The most common retort is that those opposed to transing the kids are denying the humanity of a trans person and that is an imminent threat on their lives. It becomes a performative spat of anger and rage designed to silence opposition and reduce discourse.

This does nothing to bring about acceptance and promote equality. This becomes an effort to domineer and subjugate those with opposing viewpoints. And if you call a person a monster enough, if you push them into a corner, at some point they will have nothing left to lose.

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